The story begins in a hospital. The protagonist is a young 35-year-old woman, Linda, who relives the complex relationships of her family as a teenager: she, her mother, her brother. However, as if in a dream, through flashbacks and Sliding Doors-style narration, Linda has the opportunity to rewrite her past to make right what went wrong. Including cervical cancer prevention, which wasn’t done when she was younger due to a distraction.
It is no coincidence that the short film is titled “Rewrite“: a light and dreamlike modern fairy tale promoted by MSD Italia and created by Brandon Box to convey through cinematic language many messages, including that of prevention, especially of tumors caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). become. The work that… The approval of the Ministry of Health and the patronage of SITI – Italian Society for Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health – was presented last October at the Rome Film Festival and is now available on Discovery+ (with this link or from SkyQ and Smart TV).
In Italy 5,000 new diagnoses of papillomavirus cancer: manifesto for an HPV-free future is underway
by Irma D’Aria

Possible prevention
The short film is aimed at everyone: young people and adults (whether parents or not) and brings to the screen episodes, emotions and misunderstandings that many families with young children have in common. The aim is to encourage people to think about the risks of HPV infection, the most common sexually transmitted infection. This virus has also been ranked as the second most common carcinogenic pathogen in the world and can cause cancers of the cervix (or neck), anus, vagina, vulva, penis, oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.
However, thanks to vaccination and early diagnosis (via Pap test and HPV test), it is now possible to prevent HPV-related tumors and even achieve the elimination of some of these neoplasms, as hoped by the WHO and the Ministry of Health for the prevention of cervical cancer and other HPV-related diseases among its priority goals in the National Vaccination Prevention Plan 2023-2025.
Papillomavirus, Aiom, SItI and patient associations: “Together we can do more for an HPV-free world”
by Irma D’Aria