My eleven-year-old son tested positive for Covid on December 21st (he had a bit of fever, cough and cold), and then tested negative on December 27th 2023. It would be better to wait some time to be able to give him a vaccine as scheduled (such as for example tetravalent or meningococcal recalls) or not?
Dear reader,
viral infections, especially if in mild forms like the one you reported, do not constitute a contraindication to vaccinations. It is generally recommended to wait about a week for complete recovery, but it is then possible to proceed with the vaccinations to be performed.
Covid, shouldn’t we vaccinate children too?

Send your questions to [email protected]
Can I get the flu vaccine after Covid even if I still don’t feel well?

*Fabio Midulla, past president of SIMRI (Italian Society of Childhood Respiratory Diseases), Full Professor of Paediatrics at Sapienza University and Head of the Umberto I Emergency Department.
The information provided is intended for informational purposes only: it does not represent medical advice in any way and cannot replace diagnoses or treatment indications recommended by your doctor or a specialist.