There are various topics addressed by today’s Council of Ministers. Elderly decree, Election Day, where the hypothesis of three mandates for the mayors of small municipalities is increasingly insistent, but also cybersecurity, sponsorships, the Ferragni bill, and the military mission in the Red Sea. Let’s see them in detail.

Elderly decree: one thousand euros per month for non-self-sufficient over 80s and agreements

β€œOn an experimental basis and with an endowment of 500 million in a two-year period – 300 million in 2025 and 200 million in 2026 – a universal benefit is established after verification by INPS, which will provide it elderly people over 80 who are not self-sufficient and indigentwhich a check of one thousand euros per month will go. The new measure is introduced by the Legislative Decree being examined by the Council of Ministers, of which Radiocor was able to view the draft. A reform foreseen by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) on which Italy was called to achieve the objective by 31 March this year. And therefore, as Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni declared on the occasion of the question time in the Chamber, the Government “allocates a total of over one billion euros for the first two years, resources that serve to guarantee the elderly a peaceful, active, dignified life”.

There is also the mobility in the legislative decree: “Promote the mobility of elderly people in urban and extra-urban contexts, through the establishment of specially dedicated public transport services” but also “through the granting of specific concessions for private transport”. The legislative decree in question also aims to send the elderly people ‘on holiday’, through ad hoc agreements which takes them to “accommodation, spa, seaside, agritourism facilities and theme parks, in order to ensure, at advantageous prices, the use of tourist destinations for elderly people, even on weekdays and in low season periods”, we read in the measure. Which also aims to promote “the creation, at advantageous prices, of long-term stays in accommodation facilities located near places linked to wellness tourism and personal care for self-sufficient elderly people”.

The provision also looks at the involvement of young people, through “the stipulation of agreements with voluntary organizations and social promotion associations“, which aims at “‘intergenerational tourism’ programmes, which allow” the “participation of young people who accompany older people” on holiday.

Military mission in the Red Sea

According to parliamentary sources, the government is preparing to make the law more ‘flexible’ than normal military missions abroad (145 of 2016). The missions already underway can be used “in the same area” with “operational readiness” forces available for new crises or emergency situations without requiring a new provision. So as to allow and facilitate, avoiding hitches, the same sources explain, the carrying out of the planned military mission in the Red Sea.

Third mandate in small municipalities between 5 and 15 thousand inhabitants

With the provision the limits for the mandates of the mayors of small municipalities change: between 5 thousand and 15 thousand inhabitants it will be possible to reach the third term, below 5 thousand the limit is eliminated

The constraint of two mandates for small municipalities – said the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida arriving at Palazzo Chigi this morning – it is penalizing, this is my opinion, and it seems to me that there is convergence between the majority political forces and beyond, so to resolve this problem in the meantime this issue is addressed. Then the others will also face each other,” she underlined.

The charity bill: transparency objectives and filling a legislative gap

The law imposes obligations for both business and charitable operations, including indicating on the products the purpose of the proceeds and the recipient of the charitable payment, the amount or share intended for that purpose, and introduces fines from 5 to 50 thousand euros – provided by the Antitrust – with the possibility of suspension of commercial activity for one year in case of violations of these obligations. The text then provides for the obligation, before placing the products on the market, to indicate to the competent authority the mandatory information, as well as the deadline within which the amount intended for charity will be paid and within three months from the end of the campaign the producer or promoter must communicate to the Authority the payment of the required fee.

In case of violation of the established obligations, the influencers will have to publish the sanctioning measure received from the Antitrust on their website or on social networks: “The entrepreneur – we read in the draft – publishes, also in extract, the sanctioning measures adopted on a specific section of its institutional website, on the website of the producer or professional receiving the sanction, in one or more newspapers, as well as through any other means deemed appropriate in relation to the need to fully inform consumers at the care and expense of the producer or professional” .

Election Day 8 and 9 June: European, administrative and regional elections in Piedmont, Basilicata and Umbria

Green light to the Elections Decree with “urgent provisions for the electoral consultations of the year 2024 and regarding the revision of the registers of the resident population and the determination of the legal population”. The so-called legislative decree approved Election Daya provision which, among other things, brings together the date of the European elections, the first round of the administrative and regional elections Piedmont, Basilicata and Umbria. This will all happen on 8 and 9 June 2024.

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