Crucial day for the government. Today in the Chamber of the Chamber is the day of the general discussion of the motion of no confidence signed by the M5S towards the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchè, for events related to the Visibilia company.
A story that agitates the majority even if theThe Fratelli d’Italia representative says she is “zero worried”. “It’s an important vote, the opposition is rightly doing its part – underlined the minister – while making the majority stronger”.
The underlying message, with the request for maximum unity, seems aimed at the entire centre-right, because if it is true that the leaders, from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to the two deputies Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani, say they are certain of the cohesion of the majority and the declarations maintain a guaranteeist line, it is no mystery that the minister’s judicial troubles are giving her some concern.
The main fear is that a rejection of the motion of no confidence could be followed by developments in the investigation that has just ended, or by new proceedings capable of creating embarrassment, in the midst of an electoral spring which, between now and June, will test the stability of the of the governing coalition. The unspoken hope is that the minister will draw her own conclusions on whether or not to remain in office, especially in the event of a request for indictment by the Milan prosecutor’s office. All things considered, if the vote were postponed to next week or later, no one in the center-right would probably mind.
Daniela Santanchè
The debate in the Chamber is ongoing. Emma Pavanelli, M5s deputy, was the first to speak, underlining several times the “absence” of the minister in the Montecitorio chamber and accusing “the deafening silence of the government and the Brothers of Italy”.
“I would have liked to address Minister Santanchè or some minister, but unfortunately we see that they are absent – explained the member of the 5 Star Movement, Emma Pavanelli, illustrating in the Chamber the motion calling for the minister’s resignation -. Evidently the majority preferred to keep it hidden.”
“We arrived today at four proceedings in which the minister is involved in various capacities, for the moment only touched by accusations of complicity in bankruptcy and money laundering, while personally under investigation for false accounting and fraud against the INPS. The facts are very serious – attacks Pavanelli – We ask ourselves how it is possible to consider ourselves worthy of government positions despite the accusations against us. We ask ourselves whether it is no longer dignified, indeed necessary, to take a step back while waiting for all doubts to be dispelled.”
“Today, faced with very serious accusations, we find ourselves faced with the deafening silence of the government and its party”, added the deputy.
“We are voting no to the no-confidence vote in Santanché because it is based on the judicial investigations concerning her. And we are not asking for her resignation due to a notice of guarantee or an indictment. Guaranteeism is such if it applies to everyone, especially to opponents. It’s easy to do the guaranteeists with friends: the real challenge is to be guaranteeists with your adversaries”, he writes on X il leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi. “Daniela Santanché as minister has failed and we contest her on a political level. But we do not use the investigations to attack her. Unlike what Santanché herself has always done, who has asked for the resignation of 18 ministers in her career, including all our friends – he adds -. We are profoundly different from Santanchè and from those who live with double standards. Or from those who profess to be self-appointed guardians of an ethical state. We vote no to the no-confidence vote based on JUSTICIALISM”.

Matteo Salvini – Daniela Santanchè
Also today there was also a vote on the motion of no confidence against the Minister of Infrastructure and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. The theme of the motion is the relationship signed by the League and Salvini with Vladimir Putin’s “United Russia” party, but it was Salvini himself and his party who stated that that relationship was canceled when Russia invaded the ‘Ukraine.
For his part the League reiterated that “the collaboration intentions” of 2017 with United Russiafrom which the motion of no confidence in the deputy prime minister arose, “they no longer have value after the invasion of Ukraine”. “It is regrettable that the Chamber has to waste time on useless and instrumental controversies triggered by the opposition”, adds the Northern League which responds to the accusations by recalling the agreements signed in the past with Moscow by Matteo Renzi, Paolo Gentiloni , Enrico Letta and Carlo Calenda: “The war has totally changed the judgments and political relations with Russia, which before the invasion was an important interlocutor of all Italian governments”.