They will take place today at 12 in the Church of the Artists in Rome the funeral of Sandra Milo. The actress passed away on Monday at her home at the age of 90, with her loved ones. Yesterday many went to the funeral home set up in the Protomoteca Hall in the Capitol. Waiting for the coffin, accompanied by his children, is the Councilor for Culture of Rome Capital, Miguel Gotor.

On the coffin a statuette of the Madonna of Lourdes, an image of San Pio da Pietrelcina and a red rose.

Family members at the funeral home: “She was her own breadwinner, a great mother”

“He found his success in Rome and has always shared everything: joys, sorrows and ascents. Successes and failures, because we all have them in our lives and he has always paid personally for his mistakes.” These are the moving words of Debora Ergas, eldest daughter of Sandra Milo, in the Campidoglio for the mother’s funeral home, set up in the Protomoteca. The cinema, said the daughter of the actress, a Rai journalist, “sometimes praised her and sometimes forgot her. However, she always gave to others: she left this world without even owning a home , because she always donated everything to those who needed it most. She was the head of her own family and was a great mother.”

Not just an artist. Because Sandra Milo, “my mother, has always fought for civil battles, for the least fortunate. For violence against women in the 60s when no one talked about it. For the right to divorce and for equal salaries – Ergas recalled – Yes it is even fought for the end of life and self-determination so that everyone could leave this world whenever and however they wanted.”

“My mother was always very present with us, she held my hand until her last breath and a part of me went with her up there in heaven.” As Ciro De Lollis, son of Sandra Milo, in the Capitol. “My mother was truly sincere, beautiful, sweet and apprehensive, with an uncommon patience. She always did anything for us. Thank you all for the affection you are giving her, we feel it well”, she adds.

Laura Pausini dedicates the concert in Barcelona to her: “Hello shining soul”

“In Italy today we greeted a great star, an icon of Italian cinema called Sandra Milo and I want to dedicate the entire concert and this song to this wonderful woman. She was 90 years old and she was truly a shining soul.” This is the dedication Laura Pausini he wanted to do to Sandra Milo, who passed away yesterday at the age of 90, from the stage during her concert in Barcelona. “Hello Sandrina, we send you many kisses from Barcelona, ​​you loved Spain! Look, we also greet you from here with all our hearts. Hello Sandra!”.

Diaco: “He gave more than he received”

“His last hosting was on my show “Beautiful but” last year. I remember with what sweetness she dealt with the kids of generation Z. She was a woman who gave more than she received”. Thus Pierluigi Diaco leaving Sandra Milo’s funeral home in the Campidoglio where he came to say his final farewell to actress. “I hope that the world of entertainment honors her and recognizes what was often not recognized in her life”, she says, recalling the David she received in 2021. “She wanted it very much – she explains -. She experienced a certain world as an actress who always played on two registers: one more serious and one more playful. In reality, behind her mask there was a very intelligent woman who was capable even in a period of our country like the 90s of taking very courageous positions from a political point of view.”

“Sandra was not an ideological woman. She did what she felt, without calculations or double ends. She was very cheerful but also very free. Sometimes she took positions that might seem uncomfortable. But discomfort was also her uniqueness”, he concludes.

The make-up artist: “She wasn’t a diva, a very humble person”

“She wasn’t a diva, but a very humble person who didn’t pose: it was a great honor to have met her.” This is the memory of Gennaro Marchese, make-up artist – also – of Sandra Milo, leaving the funeral home.

Rai’s tribute to Sandra Milo: programming that recounts her career, full of successes

Rai dedicates special programming to Sandra Milo which recounts her career, full of successes. Today, Tuesday 30th January, the tribute will run through Rai 1’s live daytime programmes, such as “Uno Mattina” and “Storie Italiane”; moves to late evening on Rai 2 with “Generazione Z”; finds space on Rai 3 in Agorà, with a link from the funeral home, and in the prime time talk “Avanti Popolo”.
Rai Cultura presents some of his famous television appearances on Rai Storia, broadcast today from 12.10. All the newspapers have dedicated and will dedicate articles in their news editions to commemorate the figure of Sandra Milo, whose memory has been the protagonist in the programming since January 29th, the day of her death.

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