Trump-Haley two-way challenge, the former president in the lead

It’s a two-way challenge scheduled for today New Hampshire, the second American state to go to the Republican presidential primaries. But it already has the flavor of a predictable dispute, with the result already written (according to commentators, polls and predictions). Former United Nations Ambassador, Nikki Haleysecured the duel with the former president Donald Trump after the surprise retirement of […]

Sea culture and sport fishing, the perfect combination in Pesaro

Mirko Eusebi is the five-time world champion of ‘big game’, deep sea fishing where tuna are the favorite prey. He is from Pesaro and is at the same time the coach of the Italian national team. “Our city is among the favorite destinations for the specialty. Crews from all over the world come to Pesaro and, on the occasion of […]

Shoppers deal with holiday debt

Pedestrians walk by an advertisement for Klarna. Daniel Harvey Gonzalez | In Pictures via Getty Images When she started shopping for the holidays late last year, Kiki Andersen was struggling to buy her loved ones gifts. So she turned to a novel solution to get through the season: Buy now, pay later.  The 31-year-old comedian from Los Angeles used Klarna […]

pasta is eaten on board

In command is Michael Lopez-Alegria who, after a long career in NASA, works for Axiom Space. This is a private mission dedicated to the Space Economy, which for 14 days will bring 30 experiments into space, the result of many companies, many of which are Italian. Originally scheduled for January 18, the Crew Dragon Freedom capsule is headed to the […]

on Tg2 Travel dossier in Sicily by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

On Tg2 Dossier, an exciting journey between fiction and reality to discover the places in Sicily told by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa in “The Leopard” and among the locations chosen by Luchino Visconti to create one of the most successful transpositions in the history of cinema. The Tg2 cameras move inside Palazzo Gangi Valguarnera, in Palermo, where much of the […]